Responsive Technology Partners’ Cyber Security Risk Management Presentation Held at the Rotary Club of VidaliaVidalia GA, February 21, 2023 — The Rotary Club of Vidalia held a Cyber Security Risk Management program for local business leaders last Wednesday, February 15, 2023.  During a weekly Rotary luncheon at the Vidalia Presbyterian Church, Responsive Technology Partners presented an executive overview of an organization’s risk management profile to the group. “What is an Information Risk Program and Why Does It Matter?” was the security topic aimed at local business owners.

Responsive’s Chief Security Officer Jay Harmon led a conversation on tailoring Cybersecurity and Information Risk Management to specific organizations. “There is a correlation in today’s world where Data and Technology are equivalent to currency and money”, said Harmon.

“When we think about what we have to protect, we’re looking from a perspective of (that) data is money, and money is at risk.” He described the various ways organizations are impacted by security breaches, including Ransomware and business email compromises, while explaining how other nations’ states are after U.S. data because it is easily monetized by selling stolen personal data records on the Dark web.

Harmon shared how to identify potential security threats based on an organization’s data use, creating a need for an information risk management program. The half hour Cybersecurity session was followed by a lively Q & A, where the discussion turned to practical applications and use of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Responsive Technology Partners’ CEO Steven McComas offered closing remarks as the meeting ended.  “There are two things I’d like to leave with you in this field, because it’s growing so fast and it’s so complex.  If you’re concerned about your assets, please have a Disaster enactment to see where the flaws are.  Also, Rural communities are not immune; in fact, they’re the target. A lot of global organizations have fantastic security systems in place, but in our rural communities, we don’t have those types of resources.”

Responsive Technology Partners provides superior IT support services throughout Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia, as well as across the U.S.  Our service offerings include IT support, cybersecurity and compliance, telephony, cloud services, point of sale implementation and management, cabling, access control, and camera systems. Simply put our company's mission is "to provide world-class customer service through industry leading IT solutions that make every customer feel as if they are our only customer." For more information regarding our services, locations, or employment opportunities, call (877) 358-9388 or email